taking a moment to look up and listen to the 🐦 🎶
Backyard Gardening 2023 - Starring: #arugula #kale #collardgreens #greenonion #rosemary and... Poison Ivy :(
Do you have a garden? Is it Fall where you're located? Have you checked on your garden?
Mesmerized by the Moon surrounded by the clouds. The creatures are happy and singing along! #moonlight #moonlighttunes #shorts
"All was well until this Human Chick, AKA my human grandmom intrudes and records my business. I'm out." Hustle The Red Nose Pitbull/PitPei. #mukbangfordogs #dogs #pitbulls #sharpei
from seeds to plate. feeling in tune with nature and thankful. #garden #spinach #health #healing #nature
Beautiful Neighborhood cats graces us with her beauty.
Hustle's search for the best leaves to eat. Apparently, the leaves are not that tasty today. Or, he lost his appetite because I'm filming him. #shorts #dogs #doglife #mukbang
For those of you who have a washing machine in your home or apartment. Give it a good wipe down occasionally. #chores #saturday #cleaning
Nature sounds. That's it. That's all. #nature #birdsounds #naturesounds #backyards #healingsounds #clouds #trees
I have food to eat today. Thankful. #garden #gardenlife #kale
Feeling grateful to eat from my garden #garden #growyourfood #grow #lettuce #cherrytomato
I appreciate my hubby! Thank you, Babe. #fillitup #gasstation #kindness #thoughtfulness #love #express
Nature is in motion doing what is natural to them. I appreciated the moment. Enjoy #shorts #geese #nature #flock #togetherness
tomatoes are coming in plentifully! From garden to plate! #garden #tomatoes #seeds #backyardgarden
I have no idea. Is it a Lizard? Gecko? Chameleon? What say you? #lizard #gecko #chameleon #backyardwonders #nature
Chaste Tree is said to help balance #hormones. I'll be looking for those berries and experimenting with how to harness their health benefits. Have you ever heard of Chaste Tree? If so, have you used it? I'm curious so please comment below.