Feb. 10, 2021

Give You A Break - Episode 7, GASLIGHT, TEENAGER, DRIVE

Give You A Break - Episode 7, GASLIGHT, TEENAGER, DRIVE
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Give You A Break - Episode 7, GASLIGHT, TEENAGER, DRIVE

In this episode, you will hear stories from our listeners:

Jada in New Jersey,  Jersey Joe from New Jersey, Dr. Renee in North Carolina, Dr. Dana W in New Jersey,  Coach Sherri Jones in Charlotte, North Carolina, and yours truly, Monique Gilmore Scott.

All of the contributors made a decision to sit down and escape from the busyness of their day to write and share their creative masterpieces using the words:

Thank you all for sharing your stories with me and the listeners. 

You are appreciated!

Monique Gilmore Scott

Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/moniquescott)

Speaker 1:

Welcome to episode seven of give you a break. The podcast that is here to help you escape the chaos of the day through creative storytelling. I'm your host, Monique Gilmore , Scott award-winning author, and lover of all things creative . It is my hope that each time you listen in or participate in the creative storytelling exercise, you feel rejuvenated and connected and tapped into your creativity. We all have a creative side. You just need to take a moment and step away from the chaos or the busy-ness of the day. And sit down, slow down and tap into our creative talents. In this episode, you will hear from a few listeners who share their creative masterpiece, which are centered around the three words I gave last week. Gas , light , teenager drive. First thing first, a quick. Thank you. Shout out to all the listeners who support me by either sharing the podcast on your social media platforms are providing review. I had a couple of reviews this week, so thank you. And who also purchased me a coffee. If you're new and you enjoy this podcast and would like to support it, simply go to give you a break.com and click on the donate tab and buy me a coffee. I appreciate it. All right. Let's get to our stories. As you know, I print them out so that I can read them and honor the people who have created the story . So you will hear paper shuffling, but it's all good. Up first. We have Jayda from New Jersey, a high school senior. Hey Jayda . Thank you for contributing. Here we go, boy. Oh boy. I was nervous to go into school today. There's this girl, Jasmine who always wants to start something with me. It could be anything thinking. I bumped into her, supposedly taking her friend saying I'm copying her style. You know how teenagers are, especially girls. Everything is so extra. My mom always taught me. When girls talk about you like this and are worried about you. You are doing something right. It still drives me crazy though. Let me live my life. Worry about yours. I don't want to Gaslight the situation, but I told her that she needs to worry about herself because being obsessed with me, isn't good for either of us. I guess. I'll see what she does tomorrow. Thank you Jayda for sharing your story. I hope it's not true, but if it is your mom gave you some great advice. Next we will hear from Jersey Joe, one of the stable contributors from day one. Here we go back in the day. As a teenager, driving in Essex County, I had a no basis agenda, but a gas , light bounty. We would roll hard and roll deep, which was the way we used to creep . Farm was the number one option, regardless of money, we just smoked, drank and ate until everything was funny. You see back in those days, it didn't take a lot to be entertained. That's why most teenagers from the era, attention and detail seem to Wayne . Mama always said, take your time. Young man. You're a knucklehead teenager without a master plan. Years later upon that pertinent information review, I find myself spreading the same message as my mama did too . So young teenagers get off your devices when you're driving here and there, the words Gaslight , teenager, and drive has your parents shaking in fear, Joe, what can I say? Thank you so much. You bring it every week, something different. And I see you have like a system here. You like poetry and you like rhyming. And I like it. And thank you for sharing with us. Let's see who do we have next? We've got Dr. Dana w from New Jersey. Here we go. Does this seem strange to you? On Monday morning, I woke up early, worked out in the basement. Showered, made a cup of tea and jetted out to work with plenty of time for my 45 minute drive to work as per my normal routine. I started jamming to my favorite Alicia keys song and saying my way onto the turnpike. This girl is on fire. Boom, boom, boom. This girl is on fire. Here comes the strange part. I never noticed the gas light was on. I never saw it. I know it's an orange light, but I know I had gas in my car on Friday and I hadn't been anywhere since I'm the only driver in my house. My teenager only has a learner's permit and we hadn't practiced last weekend. As I pulled into the rest station , I turned to the backseat and saw my team's favorite bottle of cologne. What Siri call Sean . Oh my God. I liked that. Dana . Thank you so much. See the creativity. Dana is also a contributor. This is her second week. I believe so. Thank you, Dr. Dana. I appreciate you taking the time and away and creating a story based on the three words that we had last week. Next we will hear from Dr. Renee G in North Carolina, as the teenager is driving to school because you can never expect her to catch the bus. That is truly beneath her. 10 minutes later, the gas light comes on, but she passes the gas station because she thinks one of her parents should have put gas in the car. Hm I'll have to call them when I get to school because they can't expect me to pay for my own gas. What can I say? My parents, they made me this way. I will deal with them later. The nerve , not to have gas in my car. Well, I'm going to tell you what I want to know. The ending of that story. She's going to call her parents to talk about the fact she doesn't have gas. We can go so many places with that. Thank you so much, Dr. Bri ne next we have coach Sherry work-life development coach in Charlotte, North Carolina. Here we go. Teenagers don't drive nearly as reckless as we did back in my teenage years during the eighties. First of all, due to the insurance restrictions, teenagers are not getting their license living in the South. Where were they go? I remember racing while driving as a team. As I Florida, one Saturday night racing, three other cars heading East on route four. I crashed into my neighbor and friend Billy off the last exit just before reaching the George Washington bridge. I was driving my mother's car and he was too . I've told my kids this and other similar stories, not to gaslit them, but to let them know that I've been there, done that in and blessed to tell the story. Thank you for sharing coach Sherry. Yeah. I heard that story. And a lot of people like myself who grew up in New Jersey and maybe other cities too , you know, had a little racing going on or something crazy we did as teenager. But by the grace of God, here we are. And here you are listening to the sound of my voice. Thank you for sharing last yours. Truly. Here we go. I don't know who to gas light first, the irresponsible parent who let her teenager drive without a permit or any education or the police lady barking at me for tossing heated verbiage at the mother. Yeah. I understand lady, mom, that you just want your daughter to get some practice behind the wheel, but this here and a car is a semi truck , a cab that is too big for her to handle. Besides why would you let her practice driving a semi cab thingy or whatever? This is on a narrow neighborhood street. I mean really? Hey, no further judgment from me. Officer. Just get the insurance card please. So I can file the claim to get my bicycle fixed . Okay, well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, did you enjoy the creatives this week? I did. And I want to say thank you. Clap, clap, clap to all the contributors for sneaking away from your day's routine. For five minutes to participate in this fun off the cuff creative exercise and sharing it with our listeners. I'm here every Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Eastern time, you can listen to the podcast by visiting, give you a break.com or on your favorite podcast platform. Also, if you want to share your voice about your experience, you can do so. I give you a break, click on the microphone and record a short 20 or 32nd voicemail so that I can share it with our listeners next week. All right. The words for next week are bootleg moonshine, sheriff again, bootleg moonshine, sheriff, the rules. Are you already know number one? You must hand write for five minutes straight. Number two, you must use all three words in the first paragraph. And number three, do not go back and correct or edit your masterpiece. Okay. You can submit your stories when you're done two stories@giveyouabreak.com again that story's S T O R I E s@giveyouabreak.com. Make sure it's legible so I can read it. And that I receive it no later than Sunday, please. And if for some reason you are not able to physically hand write due to a limitation, please, please, by all means type your story and submit it. You can follow me on Twitter at creative Monique. That's creative with the K K R E T I V E. Monique. Spread the word. Well, that's a wrap for this week. Thank you for participating. And remember plant compassion , reap compassion.

Speaker 2:

It's just that simple until next time.